How much Shilajit Per Day for Testosterone?

Dosage Of Rasayanam Shilajit

Are you consuming Shilajit for testosterone? Testosterone is a hormone found in both men and women, but men have higher levels of it. This hormone controls many processes in the body, such as muscle growth, bone strength, sexual health, and mood. When testosterone levels in men decrease, they can face many problems, such as fatigue, low sexual desire, muscle weakness, and depression. On the other hand, when testosterone levels become too high, it causes many health issues, such as headaches, insomnia, irritability, and prostate problems. High testosterone levels in women can also cause problems like irregular menstruation, excess hair, deepening of voice, acne and infertility.

Shilajeet is a natural substance with medicinal properties beneficial for men’s health. The consumption of the dosage of Shilajit can increase testosterone levels in men by 17.5%. Rasayanam Shilajit intake can improve sperm count and quality in men.

What are the Nutrients and Compounds Present in Shilajit?

Shilajit contains many nutrients, and here are the necessary nutrients to maintain testosterone levels in men.

  • Zinc – Men should start consuming Shilajit for this mineral to improve the production of testosterone and maintain prostate health.
  • Selenium – This antioxidant protects the body from free radicals and helps in testosterone production.
  • Iron – Rasayanam Shilajit’s intake helps transport oxygen to the body, which is necessary for muscle growth and energy.
  • Vitamin B12 – Neither Shilajeet nor Ashwagandha is the direct source of Vitamin B12. But when you take Shilajit and Ashwagandha together, both contribute to the absorption and utilisation of Vitamin B12 in the body. This vitamin helps in the growth and function of the body’s cells.
  • Amino acids – By consuming Shilajeet, you observe amino acids that are the building blocks of protein for muscle growth and repair.

You get these nutrients or compounds when you know how much Shilajeet per day for testosterone is enough.

How Much Shilajeet is Enough to Take Per Day for Testosterone?

Every person has a different body, even if their age, gender, height, weight and lifestyle are the same. The usual dosage of Shilajeet is 250 to 500 mg per day. But this dosage depends on your individual health and body needs. Therefore, you can start taking Rasayanam Shilajit with a low dose of 250 mg and gradually increase your dosage according to the Ayurvedic expert or doctor.

You can ask the doctor about the dosages of Shilajit for different health conditions. You can also consult an Ayurvedic practitioner about the possible effects of taking Shilajeet with other supplements.

What are the Benefits of Consuming Shilajit?

There are many other benefits of consuming Shilajit, such as:

  • Reduces fatigue
  • Increases muscle strength
  • Increases sexual desire
  • Improves mood
  • Helps maintain prostate health
Shilajit benefits

How can you Consume Shilajit?

You can consume Shilajeet with warm water or milk. But, if you dislike the taste of Shilajeet with water or milk, then try taking it with honey or ghee.

What is the Correct Dosage of Shilajit?

The dosage of Shilajit can vary depending on the health and requirements of the individual. An individual can take 250 mg of Shilajeet daily and increase the dosage to 500 mg. We highly recommend you consult a doctor before increasing the daily dosage of Shilajit from 250 to 500 mg.

Can you Consume Shilajit and Ashwagandha Together?

Yes, you can consume Shilajeet with Ashwagandha together. Ashwagandha is a natural herb that is beneficial for men’s health. It helps men reduce stress and increase muscle strength and testosterone levels.

Consuming Shilajit and Ashwagandha together can increase testosterone levels in men even more. One study found that a combined intake of Shilajit and Ashwagandha increased testosterone levels in men by 30%.


Shilajeet is a natural substance that provides many benefits for men’s health. Consuming Shilajeet can increase testosterone levels in men, which can help get rid of many problems. Rasayanam Shilajit’s daily dosage depends on your health and requirements. You can take Shilajit and Ashwagandha together to improve testosterone levels in your body. But, remember, it is beneficial to talk to a doctor before consuming Shilajeet to maintain the healthy levels of testosterone in your body.


Q. How does Shilajeet increase testosterone levels?

Ans. Shilajeet contains zinc, selenium, iron, vitamin B12, and amino acids that promote testosterone production.

Q. How much Shilajit per day for testosterone?

Ans. The dosage of Salajeet for men is 300-500 mg. You must consult a doctor before consuming Rasayanam Shilajit.

Q. Can Shilajit and Ashwagandha be consumed together?

Ans. Yes, you can add Shilajeet and Ashwagandha together to your diet. Both are natural herbs beneficial for men’s health.

Q. When should you take Shilajeet before or after a meal?

Ans. Consume Shilajeet on an empty stomach in the morning or evening. When your stomach is empty, you help your body by observing the benefits and nutrients of Shilajeet in decent amounts.

Q. What side effects can occur from consuming Shilajit?

Ans. Shilajeet is generally safe, but some people may experience stomach pain after taking Shilajeet. If you are allergic to Shilajeet, do not consume it without a doctor’s recommendation.

Q. Is there any age limit for consuming Shilajit?

Ans. Generally, you can consume Shilajeet at any age. However, ask a doctor before giving Shilajeet to children.